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CD Tricks for Kubernetes Deployment + ConfigMap

It is common to extract the application configuration to a separate file as a runtime dependency of the container image that includes the application binary. As a result, the same...

JWT + Third-party Oauth in Single Page App

Imagine you run a single page app at that communicates with backends over restful API and is authenticated with JWT tokens managed by you, but identities are managed by...

Docker Multi-stage Build: Fast, Minimal and Secure Images

Introduced in version v17.05, multi-stage builds feature in Dockerfiles enables you to create smaller container images with better caching and smaller security footprint. Fundamentally, the new syntax allows one to...

System Design Interview: Scaling Single Server

Imagine your app is doing tremendously well with growing traffics. If there is a single server for your app, and the server is approaching its capacity, how would you scale...

Docker: The Container Metaphor with Profound Revolution

Many regard containers as a virtualization technology. They are missing out. Docker has much more to offer. It is a graceful solution to some of the most painful experience in...

Istio: Noninvasive Governance of Microservices on Hybrid Cloud

As presented in my previous post, microservices are the state-of-the-art architecture for building scalable, highly-available, manageable backend.  No more 30-minute build time, single point of failure, and constant regression from...